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Understanding listings

  • How-to

    Listing availability

    Enter your destination, travel dates and number of guests when searching on Airbnb and all listings that show should be available for your t…
  • How-to

    Types of places to stay

    Hosts on Airbnb offer a wide variety of spaces. You can book an entire place, private rooms, hotel rooms and shared rooms.
  • How-to

    Searching for pet-friendly places

    Check the house rules section of the listing description to find out if you can bring your pet, or if the Host has pets on the property.
  • How-to

    Self check-in

    Guests can access the listing using a key safe, smart lock, keypad or by getting a key, any time after the designated check-in time.
  • How-to

    Instant Book

    Instant Book listings allow guests that meet a Host’s requirements to book immediately, instead of needing to send a request for approval.
  • How-to

    Review tags

    Reviews may be tagged so they can be searched easier. Explore the review tag types and find helpful info from past guests.
  • How-to

    Check the Wi-Fi speed for a place

    Some Hosts have tested the Wi-Fi speed in their space and include the speed test result to help you decide if it meets your needs.
  • How-to

    What monthly stays can offer

    Features of listings highlighted when you search for monthly stays.
  • How-to

    Discounts with non-refundable bookings

    Sure about your travel plans and want to save some money? Choosing a non-refundable option can get you a discounted price on your trip.
  • How-to

    'Pending' or 'exempt' license or registration numbers on listings

    Some cities require Hosts to obtain a licence or registration number. This field allows Hosts to display that number.
  • How-to

    Icons: requesting to book

    Icons are the most extraordinary experiences hosted by the world’s greatest icons across music, film, TV, art, sports and more.