How to finish listing your space

You can either finish a listing you’ve worked on previously or start a new one.
By Airbnb on 14 Oct 2021
2 min read
Updated 14 Oct 2021

Welcome back! In this step you can choose between finishing a listing you’ve already started, creating a new listing, and duplicating certain parts of an existing listing.

1. Finish your listing
Any listings you’ve already started are listed here — you'll find the earliest ones you worked on at the top. If you have more than three listings in progress, tap Show all to expand the list. Once you select the listing you want to work on, you'll start from wherever you left off, and you can always go back to review and edit any details you’ve entered.

2. Create a new listing
To start a new listing, just tap the + and we'll guide you through the steps.

3. Duplicate an existing listing
You can save time creating a new listing by using details from an existing one. This works well for Hosts who are listing similar spaces, like multiple private rooms in the same house. You'll have the option to use the same photos or add new ones.

From start to finish, you can list your space in 10 main steps:

  1. Select which type of space you plan to host
  2. Further describe your property type
  3. Clarify whether guests will have the place to themselves
  4. Enter your location
  5. Determine how many guests you’d like to welcome
  6. List your space’s amenities
  7. Add and organise your photos
  8. Name your place
  9. Describe your place
  10. Set your nightly rate

You can always make changes to your listing after you publish it. You’ll also be able to refine how you want to host — everything from updating your calendar and reviewing your cancellation policy to adding your house rules.

14 Oct 2021
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